....do you like it?
I still have all of the old banners and photos from the last one, and I honestly felt like giving this place a new and improved look. I kind of wished I saved the old template, but oh well. Life goes on. I understand the Brian Dawkins in the banner is from his Eagles days, but there weren't any "epic looking" ones where he's in a Broncos uniform. With that said, I'm going to continue tweaking the place when needed, because the whole blog in general is a work in progress, and I'm hoping to get more readers soon. Please. I beg you (I don't beg much, either). Please please please if you read this blog, comment on here so I know I'm not doing this for my own health.
I originally wrote this blog to improve on my writing skills--and political correctness, mind you--and for people to critique my ideas and my style. I almost stopped this place back in April because I wasn't getting any responses--wait, my sister commented on a few of them; thanks, Jen--and I didn't think I was going anywhere with this place. But let's be serious here, over the past few years, I've found writing to be very therapeutic, and I enjoy writing about things I like; ergo, I write about sports and how much I love them. Sure, not everyone will like what I think, but isn't that normal? Being a rebel is some cool stuff, y'know. Anyway, for those of you who have read this blog at some point since it's inception in February, you guys are great, and I appreciate you for stopping by. In my life so far, I have found it heartwarming to make people smile and laugh over my awkwardness in life or my spontaneous wisdom. I live not just for my successes, but for paying it forward to people who are having a rough day. I try to do it as much as I can in work, and I try harder every day to make a person's day less stressful.
I hope I can do that for the blog readers out there as well.
Thanks for reading (so far).
-- Stephanie

...Is it a sin that I want Jewish Apple Cake right now after posting this picture??
Um, not gonna lie, I bought an apple cake into work today to celebrate someone's birthday. And guess what? I HAVEN'T HAD ANY!!!! It's like a Friday miracle or something.
Oh, and you're welcome.
Oh, and you're a good writer. We should join forces to write a book about our family.
Can we not call the book "I Don't Get It?"
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