Monday, February 21, 2011

365 Days Ago Today...

...The Sports Nut Blogs was launched.


Dude, like....I didn't think I was actually going to keep up with this sucker. To be honest, I almost didn't for a time, but that was for personal reasons. Anyway, thanks for sticking around as long as you have. You guys are the best. I know I'm not a huge and popular blog, but I've got my own little society and I love you guys bunches and bunches.

Okay, so here's the announcement I hinted at last week:
Remember my post from August about concussions in sports? Yeah, that little infant of a post is now going to become a speech I am making at an honors conference next month in Radnor, PA. I'm going to try my darndest to get a video of it, but I doubt that'll be done. Maybe photos will accompany this day, I'm not sure yet. But's cool, right?

Here's to another year of blogging excellence!
